By J.M. Manion Exclusively For NPC News Online and powered by the IFBB Professional League on the NPC News Online YouTube Channel, and
The FIRST 2022 #RoadToThePittsburghPro filming with an Interview with Celeste Morales @ifbb.celeste_bellafit. Filmed #exclusively at @npcphotogymofficial in Pittsburgh 12 days before she competes in the 2022 @ifbb_pro_league @caribbeangrandprix and 7-1/2 weeks before the 2022 Pittsburgh Pro Wellness and filmed by J.M. Manion @aroundthenpc_jm
Interesting fact that Celeste qualified to turn pro in Women’s Physique and made the switch to Wellness and she explains why amongst many other topics!
@npcifbbpropittsburgh #theroadtotheolympiagoesthroughthepittsburghpro #roadtotheifbbpittsburghpro #roadtotheifbbpittsburghprowellness @npcnewsonlineofficialpage @npcworldwideofficial @npcnewstv @npcfitbody2 @npcwellness @npcworldwidewellness @ifbbproleaguewellness @t_manion @aroundthenpc_jm #nationalphysiquecommittee #ifbbprofessionalleague #npcbodybuilding #npcfitness #npcmensphysique #npcclassicphysique #npcwomensphysique #npcfigure #npcbikini #npcwellness #ifbbprobodybuilding #ifbbpro212 #ifbbproclassicphysique #ifbbprofitness #ifbbpromensphysique #ifbbprofigure #ifbbprowomensphysique #asf2022 #arnoldclassic @bostonproshow @rockfit @bgalvanized_@galvanized_productions @npcusatexa@npcifbbpropittsburgh #teampannain @anneluisefreitas