Rookie @ifbbproleaguewellness competitor Nikki Giacara @fit2nik filmed her 2021 #roadtothepittsburghpro @npcifbbpropittsburgh and believe it or not, was the only #ifbbproleaguewellness competitor that Did Not train glutes! . When filmed @npcphotogymofficial #exclusively for @npcnewsonlineofficialpage @npcnewstv , Nikki was 2 weeks and a day before making her #IFBBProLeague debut at the #ifbbpittsburghpro . Watch the full training video along with her interview and posing on and our You Tube Channel. . The 2021 #NPCPittsburgh Championships is back along with the #IFBBPittsburghPro @npcifbbpropittsburgh on April 30-May 1 and the contest will be held at it’s normal location, Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall in Pittsburgh! @soldiersandsailorshall This contest is promoted by NPC and @ifbb_pro_league President Jim Manion. . @npcfitbody @npcworldwideofficial @npcwellness @npcworldwidewellness @ifbbproleaguewellness @t_manion @aroundthenpc_jm @garyudit @frank_sepe @npcpennsylvania @axeandsledge @limitless @olympiatanning @fitbodyfusion @bodybyo @blackstonelabs_official @teamatlasmtl @redcon1 @theprophysiques @teamfflex @mrolympiallc @musclecontest @tamerelguindy @tkguindy @thenickgiacara @anneluisefreitas #nationalphysiquecommittee #ifbbprofessionalleague #npcbodybuilding #npcfitness #npcmensphysique #npcclassicphysique #npcwomensphysique #npcfigure #npcbikini #npcwellness #ifbbproclassicphysique #ifbbpromensphysique #ifbbprofigure #ifbbprobikini #ifbbproleaguewellness #npcactivewear #olympiaqualifier #wellnesstakeover #thetakeoverhasbegun #npcusachampionships #npcusas
Road To The IFBB Pittsburgh Pro 2021 Nikki Giacara Training
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